Our future depends on you
Southern Nevada is one of the few places on the planet that recycles nearly all indoor water on a community-wide scale. But the majority of our water is used outdoors. Reduce your outdoor water use to keep Southern Nevada water-secure.

Change your watering clock
❄️Your mandatory winter watering schedule allows grass irrigation 1 day a week.❄️ Our community loses billions of gallons each year due to overwatering, and too much water is harmful to turf, trees and shrubs. Follow the mandatory seasonal watering restrictions to save water, improve the health of your landscape and avoid water waste fines.

Stop water waste
From irrigation overspray to leaking lines, water waste drains our community's limited water supply.
Learn How to Prevent Water Waste
Select your city/water provider to report waste:
What you can do to conserve
Drought and climate change have caused Lake Mead to drop more than 150 feet over the last two decades. The federal government has issued a water shortage declaration, reducing the amount of water Southern Nevada is allowed to draw from the lake. Through efficient water use and community-wide water conservation, all Southern Nevadans help protect and extend our community's water supply.

Get cash for grass
The biggest use of our water supply is landscape watering. Upgrade your curb appeal, reduce upkeep, and get cash back with a rebate to replace your thirsty grass!
💵 Get a $100 bonus for every new tree installed!

Find and fix leaks
Damaged irrigation systems, cracked supply lines, and faulty fixtures can cause high bills and property damage.

Stay water smart
Take advantage of our programs and services, designed to help you save time, water and money.

Useless grass is illegal
Nevada law prohibits the irrigation of nonfunctional grass at business, commercial, multi-family, government and other properties beginning in 2027. Get cash incentives—while they last—to replace useless grass on your property with water-smart desert landscaping.

Replace evaporative cooling
Industrial evaporative cooling systems are a drain on our water supply. Let the SNWA help pay to upgrade your facility and replace your cooling tower or swamp coolers with a dry-cooled system.

Water-saving programs
Boost your bottom line and water savings with our business incentives and programs.

Looking for landscape resources? We can help. Whether you're looking to tune up an existing landscape or are starting from scratch, we've got tons of resources to get you moving in the right direction.
- Find desert-friendly plants with our Plant Search tool
- Sign up for a free landscape class or webinar
- Peruse sample landscape designs and plans
- Learn how and when to water your landscape and get watering tips
- Get advice on installing and maintaining your landscape
- Learn how to protect trees during a landscape conversion
- Hire a water smart landscaper
- Explore landscape resources for businesses
Protecting our limited water supply
These conservation measures are projected to save billions of gallons of water and are essential to help Southern Nevada keep saving as federal water cuts reduce our current and future water supplies. From resorts and golf courses to residents and businesses, every sector of our community is making sacrifices and working together to meet future water needs.
💧 Efficiency measures include:
- Replacing useless grass in commercial, multi-family, government and other properties (AB356)
- Prohibiting the installation of grass and sprinkler irrigation in all new developments
- Banning new water features and fountains on the Las Vegas Strip
- Prohibiting new golf courses and imposing tighter water budgets on existing courses
- Limiting residential pool sizes
- Eliminating evaporative cooling in new commercial development
- Implementing a voluntary septic conversion program

Kudos, Southern Nevada! 🙌 Conservation efforts have helped the community reduce its per capita water use by 58 percent between 2002 and 2023, even as the population increased by more than 786,000 residents during that time. Keep conserving and stay water smart to help reach the community's goal of 86 GPCD (gallons per capita per day) by 2035.
We're doing our part to keep your water safe and reliable
Southern Nevada is home to one of the most advanced and reliable municipal water systems in the nation. We use cutting edge technology and maintain state-of-the-art facilities to monitor your water 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you don't have to worry about water quality or delivery to your tap.
Commitment to water quality

Southern Nevada's tap water is highly treated and rigorously tested to meet or surpass all state and federal safe drinking water standards. Water quality reports are available through your water provider.
Stay in the know about H2O
If you're a resident of Southern Nevada, water is an important issue to stay updated on. Be informed and get involved.